It’s still difficult to get my arms around the fact that it’s August – already! I’ve been doing a fair amount of speaking of late and thought I would share some memorable snippets . My topic is overcoming adversity and my audiences have been members of organizations attending their regular meetings such as Rotarians, Kiwanians, Lions, Women Who Launch and a plethora of radio programs.
At the close of the program of a recent Lions Club meeting, a blind woman came to the front table, told me how much she enjoyed my talk and wanted to purchase one of my books. She said, “I know I can’t see any more but my husband reads to me and he does a splendid job!” That brought tears to my eyes –
At another, a gentlemen was commenting on a portion of my talk that involved the power of touching people’s lives, both in a good and bad way. He said an old friend had called to tell him that he was dying and wanted to make sure he knew what a positive impact he had made in his life. The gentleman I spoke to said he never even knew what he had said or done to impact his friend’s life but was grateful he had made “the List” of special people. We’re all touching lives, every day – as Catherine Aird said, “we can either be a good example or a horrible warning!” …